Monday, October 27, 2008

Politics, Clothing, and bailing...

Wow...what a nice someone that was completely blinded by the system...0o0o0o0o0o0o the system works he says...

Yea sure it does...

"My Vote counts!!!" He says...Your right it does a number...but you know what, sorry, the Electoral college is still out there and it doesn't really matter...If it was popular vote, I'd be more inclined to agree...

8 days till d-day!!!!

haha this is awesome Palin can't stick to the script..."My clothes!! (insert long annoying whiney noise here)" 

Bite me I don't give a shit that you using contribution money to fund your wardrobe, your still an idiot and if this is any inclination of what she is like, I hope she ends up in the White will make for TONS of humor...Specially after McCains cancer kicks in, and she takes over..."Uhh Madam President, you just can't add new terms to this Treaty", "But my clothes did not cost that much" "WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" serisously...I see this happening...

And how about this bailout wooo...the good part...Fuel is getting cheaper!!! Stocks dropping...lets look what how many points we loose today, O only about 100 (NYA.X).

I'm just watching a few stocks to drop to a certain point...then I'm going to buy some...why not...I won't loose much money but if they get to where they were before I'll make a good chunk...yay for the bailout...was its true purpose to be able to make the stock market drop so the people in the know for the "Turnaround Date" could buy and make boocoo bucks?

Question the fuckin norm people...Think outside your little surroundings, Step back see the whole picture...You're all so stuck in your boxes, even you that think your outside the box, your still in the box...

Its almost matrixey...there is no box...doh!