Friday, October 17, 2008

No shit...

This chick right here has a decent idea.

$30 Million a week till D-day...thats on the the most stupid ways possible...

Just think they could give 30 different charities $1 Million each for those weeks...

Whoever did that would win this election by a landslide...

You want to win stop helping yourselves and help the people that you want to vote for you.

Cause unfortunately my beliefs are not widely known yet and by the time this gets any recognition it'll be too late...but seriously if someone is reading this from either Obama or McCain's campaign team, they need to let those idiots know...don't waste a damn cent on advertising...

Actions people actions...not a 90 second spot that will run for a week and thats all you get for your $30 million...

Hell, as previously mentioned about the $1 Billion in campaign contributions...take all that money and do something good...