Friday, October 24, 2008

Do you believe in your elected representatives?

I don't....

Why do we vote if we don't believe in the people, we choose the lesser of 2 evils. Why, are we under the misconception that we have to pick someone. No we don't thats the point of voting. If you don't believe in someone don't vote for him. Don't vote for the person running against him just so he doesn't get in office. We need to stop voting. period. Its retarded that this whole country still thinks their vote makes a difference. It doesn't. 

Until the Electoral college is removed there is no point in voting on any presidency. I want people to step up and say "No, Voting is bullshit" Everyone is getting ready to go vote on D-day...but whats the point you'll vote but it's already been decided. The presidential candidates are all positioned to this. 

Do I think either of the candidates are good choices. No. Do I think one is better then the other. No, do I think one will cause more change then the other, Yes. But thats just cause he'll be the first. Most of you reading this are probably going out over the next 2 weeks to place your vote...I'm sorry but I will not join you...I will not vote until everything changes. 

Do some research, find the wage % comparison to government officials to average joes...its WAY out of proportion. Politicians make way too much money. Thats all they want is the money, they'll say what they need to get the job, who doesn't. But once in place what will they do...Jack shit, besides something to make more money...

I believe an elected representative should make the average income of their district...whoa all of a sudden we have people that want to be there...rather then people looking to make bank...

So tired of this shit...11 days and counting till D-day...