Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sitting on the Fence...

In today's society, you know this decadent, lazy, egotistical, money-driven mass that we call society, we are sitting on a fence, precariously perched. It is now the time that we must choose if we are going to get off the fence and which side we are going to go to.

Are you going to continue to allow yourself to sit on the fence, blatantly complacent with the facts that our world, our children's world is in danger of becoming a much harsher place for them to live.

We sit on the fence because we are in the wrong reality, in which the private thinking of all individuals who cannot make the world conform to their inner morality, but will neither capitulate to the amoral norm, tries to reconcile these apparent irreconcilables so as to make life livable. It is a compromise, a truce that the majority of us call for a lifetime, opting out of responsibility for the struggle between our humanity and the Machine by taking a neutral personal position. Certain individual or group characteristics and classes of activity come down on one side of the fence, some on the other side. On one hand we pursue competitive drives according to automatic lore, in the positive interests of the Machine but contrary to the true interests of humanity. On the other hand we try automatically to control some of the ill-effects of these drives with instituted laws, and meet some others with charitable compassion. The general truce is broken from time to time as collective opinion or action shifts now closer to the Machine, now to the human. Politics, as it swings from Right to Left and back, is one agent of this shifting which, like the extremes of war and peace, effects no real change but leaves the human race, its potential unrealised, sitting on the fence. Some praise to us that at least our senses insist on this balance - that we have not yet gone over to the Machine altogether. But the great weight of our reality is on the automatic side, and we could not have contrived this balancing act had we not invented something to which we gave equal and opposite weight on the human side. - John Bapty Oates
 We need to come to the realisation that we are currently a very dysfunctional global family. If we saw are children torturing an animal, would be not intervene? However, we turn a blind eye to the fact that the some of the world's most powerful government's has used, and more than likely still uses torture to this day. Some of you may think its acceptable. If that's the case, then perhaps you should take up the rod and see if you can handle being a torturer.

Our history burdens us with guilt and our past neglect of truth is visited on us in the present. Even though we are well practiced in applying the denial factor to many of the worst features of existing reality, it still offends the conscience enough that we would be unable to bear it, or our automatic selves, but for the invention already referred to. This is religion, of course, by which is meant some system of faith in and worship of, or deference to, a supposed divine power or wisdom. Religions afford an escape from human moral responsibility by giving weight to the humane characteristics on the automaton's side of the fence on which we are sitting. As long as we are prepared to believe them, and sustain our faith, religions restore the balance between our humanity and the automaton but only in our wishful imagination. And in any case, even if this balance were a fact, that still leaves us sitting on the fence, only half way human. Religions strike this balance by calling acts such as torture 'evil', and repentance good; by isolating the good self from bad events so that faith can be maintained without having to eradicate acts such as torture. The fact of 'evil', which is allotted a fantastic place - Hell - is balanced by pretensions to good which are also given a place - Heaven. But it is true that our reality is imbalanced on the automatic side, which means it's going downhill towards dehumanization or destruction. Even if an unequal balance between our humanity and the automaton were a fact, it might ensure our survival but nothing approaching our true fulfillment. Nothing but a wholly humantrue reality can be acceptable to morally aware intellect. - John Bapty Oates

In general, humanity abnegates our responsibility, through faith, why? To remove the fact that we continue to allow 'evil' to happen across the world, well as long as you didn't personally do it, you are fine right? Wrong, we are all one body, one soul, 6.8 billion experiences. We are responsible for everything that happens on this planet, we need to accept that responsibility. We always are looking for a scapegoat, when things go wrong, we need to accept they went wrong, find out why they went wrong and fix the root of the problem.

If you are to become truly aware you have to keep your head above the vast sea of automatic conditioning in which practically the whole of humanity is immersed. When you are sunk in this sea you may not see it as conditioning. You will then judge with a mind conditioned by a false reality, and therefore falsely. You have a sense of the true meaning and purpose of life, perhaps arrived at by applying reason to your instinctive feelings of care and compassion, yet cannot find these adequately reflected in the world. So you may well turn to one of the religions, because it satisfies your moral senses and feelings yet does not disturb your conditioned reasoning because it has been made to fit acceptably into the automatic norm.
It is unlikely that anyone with firmly and willfully fixed religious faith will have been able or willing to read this far, but likely that the minds of the persevering reader and this writer shall be broadly in sympathy. It is easy for us to dismiss religions just as it is easy for 'believers' to dismiss us. Yet we share the same moral concerns, so what stands between us? It is that they put a false construction on the meaning and purpose of life that they sense, whilst we are dedicated to realising its truth. What matters about this difference is that religions take away from humanity its responsibility for ourselves and Earth.
Surely it must be accepted that truth is the prime object of intellect. Whatever may be the humantruth the honest search for it should not begin with any fixed prejudice such as that against religion. On the other hand that search, however well-intended, will be brought to an abrupt and unsuccessful end by the adoption of a blind faith in things of the imagination. Such faiths might keep the fence-sitting human race from toppling over too far into automation, but they bring to a halt or at least hinder true progress. - John Bapty Oates

We need to start to progress in a fashion that is true to humanity, not true to the automated functions of this world. The more automated we become, the more humanity dies. Some people say I have an unrealistic, altruistic view, I ask, why don't you? Is it so much to ask that if we all carried this view, would our world not change for the better, nearly instantly, or are you just to comfortable within your automated reality to be shaken from it, even at the cost of making life for your children, grandchildren and generations to come better?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Employment - Tool of the Machine

Animals, wild creatures totally governed by instinct, busy themselves with providing for themselves, but they are not said to work, much less to be employed. We were once the same. The effort we made to live was part of living. We were free to live, or die. We instinctively and urgently wanted to live, and reproduce so as to continue life, and from that the effort to do so naturally followed. This effort became known as work when that freedom was lost to us and we were forced unwillingly to labour for masters, indirectly of our own needs and harder and longer than those needs once required.

Then, when the majority were no longer forced to work for a minority of humans, we all, in our various ranks, became obliged to work for the competitive money economy of the Machine. This is known as employment, work for money, the sole means of purchasing survival. We can not now live without money, which is obtainable only from the Machine; therefore we are obliged to go cap-in-hand to the Machine for employment. The Machine is responsible for deciding what work shall be done, for it holds the purse-strings and, according to profitability, determines how much money we shall be paid for that work. We are responsible for securing the Machine's employment of us, doing its work to its satisfaction, and living according to what the amount of money it pays can buy back from it.

Inwardly, we are all free to decide whether or not to conform in our minds to this automatic system. Outwardly, what freedoms we have are automated, and severely limited. We are 'free' obediently to submit to the Machine's education, or otherwise apply ourselves to gaining its approval and privileged employment, and to live in a style which this economic level makes appropriate. We are 'free', having accepted a lower level of employment and a more cramped economic style of life, to unite with fellow workers to bargain for 'fair' wages and conditions using the threat of withdrawing our labour. We are 'free' to decline employment and face starvation or, in the case of the rich nations, to live on the lowest possible income paid by welfare or charitable institutions to the unemployed. We can develop ways of supporting and enriching life independently of the Machine and its money economy, but we can do this only on the margins of reality while still being basically Machine-dependent.

We are not free to decide overall what work shall be done; to do work that the Machine disallows, however humanly vital; to survive or prosper when unwilling to do the work which the Machine allocates or allows, in the way it requires; to live as or where we wish, or live at all, without the Machine's money; or to demand work which the Machine is not willing to provide. We are free to prosper by limiting our ambition to self-interest, but since our work is mostly imposed on us, or enticed out of us, we are not free to feel the enthusiastic goodwill which goes with good labour voluntarily contributed to the common cause. There is all the difference in the world between giving our effort in that spirit of willing responsibility and toiling unwillingly in our own defence or purely for selfish gain. We are carried along by the autoprogressive, money economy tide, our reality a day-to-day practical and political adjustment to its waves. Some of us resist and hold back against the tide, but mostly the economically strong push forward, pressing back the weak. We have not yet acquired that enlightenment which would give us the collective will to swim against the tide and to break its power over us.

Our deeply ingrained concept of employment, which translates the combined effort for the well-being of whole humanity into the separated individuals need for a specific Machine job, is as ridiculous as our concept of reality. And the practice of one human employing others for profit is morally akin to slavery, a creator of inequality. It is our present reality, almost unquestioned, that we need employment to survive, and the Machine is the only employer. So we work for the competitive money economy, keep its lores and look to it for survival of our species, when its objective is not whole human survival; it is not interested in humanity at all as a morally aware intellectual race, only in autoprogression of itself by human agency.

Consequently, humanity generally depends for its continuing life on employment, which accrues to its detriment and possibly to its eventual destruction. The Machine cannot of itself do anything. It directs but must rely on humans to act. Mostly we do anything that the Machine requires us to do, whatever it may be and whatever the circumstances. We don uniforms, gain degrees, take office, accept rank, make and use weapons, bulldoze rainforest, build nuclear power stations, compete with each other, cheat one another, argue with one another, crush one another - all for automatic reasons.

Just as the concept of employment is an economic phenomenon, so is the occurrence of unemployment. It is the logical accompaniment of competitive inequality, a necessary casualty of money-economic recession, the low point of cyclic automatic activity as it oscillates between rest and the full generation of energy, naturally, like winter as opposed to summer, but with the difference that whilst we cannot control the seasons, we can and should control our own economy, or management. Each time a cycle touches bottom enough determination and energy has been gathered to begin striving towards the top once more. This activity characterises instinctive life, which has no motivation but the impulsion of energy to act and react, reflected in the explosive birth of a life-form, then of its seed, its implosion to death, and the explosive re-birth of its seed.

When there is unemployment we cry out for jobs. It is the cry of the mentally blind, mesmerised by automation into believing they are unable to take responsibility for their own affairs into their own hands. We are asking employment of the very automatic economy which has carelessly caused our unemployment. That we do not prevent unemployment is because we have no control over money-economic recessions. This in turn is because recessions are part of an instinctive cycle which we aid and abet, and to ask instinct to contradict itself is asking the impossible. We shall get rid of unemployment only when we have thrown out the concept of employment; when we have subjected our instinct to the full wisdom of our intellect, so giving human life its true motivation.

Unemployment is part of the myth of the money economy which insists, when in recession, that there is no work for many of us when there is work in plenty. The reason behind this is that, according to the current rule, we may not work except for money. So when there is no money to pay us we may not work. What is the real difference between times of full employment and massive unemployment? In terms of humantruth there is no real difference. The work needing to be done is the same, needful resources are the same, and our capacity for labour is the same. It is only an artificial economic difference that creates this human suffering. Let me repeat - in a humantrue society such labour would be done as was necessary to provide all needs, and needs would be simply provided. The money economy is an unnecessary and inhuman intervention which upsets this straightforward voluntary equation.

Humanity in general accepts automatic reality without question, but we do vary in our reactions to the effects of automatic policies on people. Now a little about the political division between Right and Left(more to come later). Generally speaking the former supports the authority of the Machine over the people, and the latter champions the rights of the people against the Machine. The majority of those on the Left are the least rewarded, least privileged and most vulnerable, the manual workers, whose rights are represented by the trade union movement, a movement whose influence has been very much reduced in recent years. This movement has opposed employers, but not the Machine. It has accepted that its members are employed by the money economy, and that its job is to make their employment secure and to raise their rewards and privileges to the highest possible level. This has relieved or re-distributed but not eliminated poverty; it has changed but strengthened the Machine by spreading the practice of consumerism; and it has had no good effect on the cycles of periodic prosperity and recession, except that in periods of recession the wages of union members may not be reduced out of hand and workers either continue on full pay or are made redundant and receive very much lower welfare payments. By no means all workers now belong to unions, however, and in the case of non-members wages are again at the mercy of market forces.

What I am trying to demonstrate is that humanity can not be benefited effectively by automatic means, only by ridding itself of the Machine. The Machine is a system for serving the automaton by way of many institutions, of which the trade union movement is one. In times of comparatively full employment all our work is devoted to the Machine, whereas we should be devoting ourselves to overthrowing the Machine. As it happens, some unemployed people have found that by rejecting normal automatic standards they have converted their state of unemployment from one of deprivation to one of new opportunity for understanding themselves and their world. They have discovered something better than working for the Machine. This is but a short step from realising that the Machine is unnecessary and that only it prevents us all voluntarily working for humanity.

The institution of employment, then, is a strong factor in our failure to realise humantruth. It has the effect of continually reinforcing our automatic conditioning, often for reasons which seem good. All who are employed are busy fulfilling some function of the Machine, more or less. By this means most are also fulfilling a family responsibility. To be humanly, companionably satisfactory is to be content with one's lot. To be satisfactory in automatic terms is to fulfil one's function to the best of one's ability. Those who go against automatic reality appear, in this light, to be recklessly trying to upset the applecart, failing in their private responsibilities by publicly opposing the Machine.

Automatic functions are separated and competitive, not co-operative. Each tends to deal with its own matters within its own strictly limited boundaries. All vie with each other for resources, priorities and profits. So they tend to occupy fully the conscious minds of the humans engaged in them. If all these functions were for one common human purpose they would have to take criticism of the Machine seriously, for they clearly do not work for human good. But they all do work for their own different, specific, competitive, automated purposes, which make sense only to minds which remain submerged in the automatic chaos.

The individual whose reasoning questions this reality might be heard, but in the end those who listen have to return to their automatic functions, and if they are to give these functions their full attention, as they must do for Machine-success, then they do not normally allow such critical comments to penetrate beyond the periphery of their minds. What is required, and what this book aims for, is abnormal human effort to break this deadlock.

HumanTruth Vol I Chapter 19 - John Bapty Oates

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Machine Foundation

You've heard me say "The Machine" before, and this is a great chapter from a book which I am reading that describes its foundation currently...again please look into purchasing Humantruth Vol I and II from

Just as the activities of an individual creature are predictable if the characteristics of its species are known, so it is necessary to recognise the principles on which the framework of our society - the Machine - is built in order to understand the present chief characteristics of the human species.

The Machine was founded on the automaton, whose influence became a fundamental characteristic of humanity at the time when conscious will took over part of the postconscious faculty. The natural purpose of instinct is to play a balanced part in securing survival. Humans were impelled by this automatic influence to pursue the instinctive competitive drives far beyond that natural purpose to secure survival so that, instead of being means to that end, these drives became ends in themselves. Nature divides its creatures into groups. Some groups may be ruled by leaders, others by the pecking order, but these rules apply only because they have proved beneficial to survival of the group, or species. If a rule does not bring benefit it will die out through the process of natural selection. Humans henceforth followed a course of unnatural, and unwise, selection. Having burst the bonds of instinct, they succumbed to an alliance between the liberated positive forces of instinct and the applied power of super-intelligence. They divided from each other, became different from each other, and took competition to the extreme of fighting each other to the death. This behaviour constitutes a threat to contentment and ultimately to survival, going contrary both to the tried and proved balance of nature and to the responsibility of intellect.

All the early humans, faced with a superior number of enemy apefolk, perhaps also with an epidemic disease, or possibly with some other threat of catastrophe, must have united in large groups, each obedient to a single leader, the better to cope effectively with the common danger and apply their common determination to achieving survival. Once they had overcome these extraordinary threats they were left with the ordinary challenges of survival and, in theory, the opportunity to choose what kind of life they would lead. But their leaders now held power (a new phenomenon that took a feature of instinct - the natural supremacy of the strongest - and converted it into the established institution of permanently conferred dominance,) and their choice, having tasted power, would be to hold onto it and keep the status quo. So the First division of humans maintained the leadership structure, and this obliged them to confirm and incorporate other instinctively originated principles into an artificial civilisation - the early Machine - in the more conducive climates of Egypt, Greece, China, India and the like. The Second division of humans, rebellious perhaps, moved north and, for some thousands of years, remained comparatively primitive as the struggle to solve the problems of sheer survival in colder climates absorbed all their energy. The Third, and wiser division of humans reacted against Machine principles, as we have seen. We are presently concerned with the First division, the spearhead of human advance towards modern times.

The obligations which acceptance of leadership placed on humanity derive from the fact that leadership is associated with competition rather than co-operation, and that once it had served its original extraordinary purpose there was no real need of it. The truth was that survival could best be secured by small, partly self-sufficient but co-operative groups held together and served by the common code of the species. But supreme leaders, viewing the situation from a position of power, could not or would not concede this truth, and nobody else was in a position to make them concede it. So the structure of society did not change, and to justify itself leadership invented new purposes and needs and imposed them on peoples.

The purpose of leaders in nature, such as the leaders of wolf packs living under exacting conditions, is to carry out a function vitally necessary to survival, the achievement of which is their reward. In easy conditions, human leaders pursued the unnecessary purpose of dominant control and acquired a need to enjoy privileged reward, which amounted to ambition to profitably extend their domination as far as possible. This meant that leaders used the high intelligence of humankind to prosecute group warfare, the strongest of them eventually triumphing and setting themselves up as dominators of great kingdoms and empires - self-interested sovereign powers, competing with each other.

Government by supreme leaders is one of the false foundation-stones of the Machine; false because it makes itself necessary by disallowing true human autonomy. As dominions became larger and leaders could no longer exercise direct control, systems of remote control became necessary. One of these was the institution of law and law enforcement, which was not only a means of authority imposing its will on 'the people' and refusing to allow them freedom to take their affairs into their own hands, but also of obliging people to do certain clearly desirable things which, given freedom to follow their intelligence, they would have done voluntarily in any case. But since the system tended to foster ignorance, it could appear to be necessary because of its apparently beneficial features. For example, it is possible that if the apefolk did suffer from AIDS, this terrible disease may have been transmitted to humans, whose sexual habits were probably free at that time. The ordinary individual would be unlikely to connect the disease with the actual cause of its spreading, but the leader, taking a wider view because of his position, might make that connection. It would then be made a matter of law that sexual intercourse be confined to the partners in marriage, for life, with severe punishment for transgressors, perhaps death, originally, for them and their issue, which was not mere retribution for breaking the law but designed to stamp out the disease by eliminating sufferers and carriers.
Kings now required a hierarchy of officials to administer and enforce the law and command their armies. The division between this minority and the subjugated majority reintroduced the natural pecking order as the rule of inequality. Inequality of status and reward brought about the rule of possession, the practice of defending the acquisition of some thing by 'putting one's name on it' so to speak, and having that title protected by law. The concept of possession in turn gave birth to the idea of barter, by which things were given a 'possession-value', and changed hands only in exchange for some other thing whose value was judged to be equal. But barter was cumbersome, and soon coins which betokened that value were exchanged and re-exchanged for goods, chattels and land. The introduction of money also facilitated taxation, which was tribute as a substitute for slavery. This tribute was to pay for the maintenance of authority and defense of the realm, and was made necessary only by the unnecessary existence of kings and their hierarchies lording it over warlike kingdoms in competition with other kingdoms.

Leadership had now been transposed into dominant authority which created and then tried to ignore its own problems; which did not serve humanity but was served by it. Generally speaking, humans worked for the high elevation of the institutions supposed to represent them, and in return most were given low status and commensurately low levels of sustenance. To reinforce acceptance of the situation, it was morally justified by religion whose leaders occupied places in the privileged hierarchy. Religion taught good morality, up to a point, but also taught obedience to an authoritative system which did not reflect that goodness, and whilst it was good in parts, no doubt, the situation as a whole was not humanly justifiable and did not encourage true morality in anyone.

Those monuments which are held to reflect the glory of humankind are pyramids, palaces, castles, temples and churches, built by enslaved or employed workmen for the glorification of secular and religious establishments, which were and are actually irrelevant to the true potential of humanity. All other advances in the free exercise of intellect, such as music, literature and other arts, if they are to be assessed truly, are to be viewed in the same light. While they may be about reality and have arisen from its progress, they should not be taken to imply that human civilisation has meaningfully advanced. They are small successes relative to our great failure - marvellous but irrelevant examples of the scope of intellect which should illustrate how much good we could have done compared with the little good we have done.

The original First division civilisations flourished for thousands of years then began to stagnate. About fifteen hundred years ago the Second division humans, more primitive but also more energetic, began asserting themselves. By trading and conquest they outstripped or overran the old civilisations and all but wiped out or enslaved the Third division humans and seized their lands. The powerhouse of human 'progress' then became centred in Europe, later to shift to North America, and now moving again, probably to the Far East. The money economy led the way and people followed as the demand for willing labour resulted in the practice of incentive employment - enticing effort from workers rather than driving them to it. Soon the power of accumulated money - capital - became dominant and determined what could and would be done. Capital went hand-in-hand with human inventiveness to launch the industrial revolution.

Invention, however, was no longer a matter of human ingenuity rising to answer vital necessity, but the application of the human mind to science and technology, and its application, in turn, to competition in money economics and profitability in the market place. The competitive money economy now took over the real reins of authority from human governors, yet at the same time, as more and more people gained a financial stake in it in the shape of jobs, property or capital, the way was cleared for political representation of the people - a way made automatically viable by the fact that people were now bound to the Machine by apparent but misplaced self-interest as well as dependence and conditioning.

The money economy is not devoted to the clear and simple humanitarian objective to provide absolutely all the real needs of all the people. On the contrary, it is devoted to producing goods and services which can be sold to consumers at a profit, employing those humans whose labour it needs for that amount of money which shall induce them to do the work. People whom the Machine needs are paid well, moderately or poorly according to its valuation of their worth, and those it does not need are paid very little money, or none at all. Similarly, some nations benefit highly from the Machine and others poorly, according to whether their prosperity or poverty is in the interests of its profitability. So the world is divided into nations with an international pecking order, and the people of each nation are subject to their own internal pecking order. There are differences of language, custom, skin colour, ideology and religion between nations, and differences of status, education, privilege and money income between each nation's people. Humans are not working for the common good and happiness of a united human race but for the Machine, and the Machine is working for itself.

This chapter has been a potted history of the Machine, from its foundation through the automation of humanity to the present day (a critical analysis of practices and institutions of the Machine is given in Part IV). It has also been a short indictment of the Machine, seeing it as a tide which has swept us blindly in the wrong direction. Our existing complex and highly disturbing reality is the consequence of making permanent the temporary solutions to an emergency - long ago adopting the competitive drives and setting up authoritative leadership - so that they became the basic principles of our society. The following two chapters show how the consequent pattern of our lives has conditioned us and formed our character.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Supraconscious - John Bapty Oates - HumanTruth Vol 1 Chapter 12

I had to post this one up as well, this is one of those nuggets that you find while reading that you just feel everyone must know...If this interests you please, please buy his book (or if you know me personally, I'll be happy to loan the book to you (when I have finished it!) Humantruth Vol 1: A World in Crisis

It was said in the previous chapter that by intellating we fulfil the cerebral cortex, and the result, inevitably, is truth. As a first step to supraconsciousness we have to be prepared to accept that this is so. Ask yourself whether our faculty of knowing and reasoning has a useful function or not. If not - if it was acquired by accident and is of no real value to us - why have we kept it? Clearly, at least part of it has been of value, in the sense that it has enabled us to survive, and multiply, and, on the face of it, has brought many benefits. Then why is the world in chaotic conflict? Because we have used the postconscious - that part which is available to us - to give us what we consciously but automatically and separately desire. We took over that part of our postconscious faculty, but it is very much the lesser part so that the reasoning-power of the conscious mind remains limited and still persists in reaching false conclusions. This cannot be right for a species possessing a supreme faculty whose function is truth. A human mind which reaches false conclusions is not working properly or fully, or freely. To say otherwise is tantamount to claiming that the purpose and function of an engine is to break down. Neither a human mind nor any thinking apparatus can reason reliably if part of its function is to reason falsely. Truth is indispensable to reason, for reason that is not reliable is worthless, and dangerous. But in the existing world at large many different theories are relied upon, many different opinions and beliefs held, various practices followed, nearly all of which are incomplete and false.

Having accepted that our purpose is the fulfillment of truth, the next step towards supraconsciousness is to abnegate self and become bound by truth. The self does not then regard itself and its personal reality as being its greatest concern. It realises that a whole reality which is unitedly cared for by all selves is far better than that which results from each self caring mainly for itself. Experience of the world right up to the present moment demonstrates the painful results of the latter, and we have probably always inwardly known that the former is right.

To be truly human, the individual must be bound by truth. Since truth is fulfillment of the postconscious, the human true individual has to be closely identified with the postconscious. This requires that the self be re-positioned within the postconscious, whose innermost workings must remain unconscious to the self but to whose reasoning the self must be most immediately subject. The self is now subject to the postconscious, strengthened by the latter's will, and has a superior relationship to the old conscious mind which, in turn, has a superior relationship to the new subconscious instinct established under this new arrangement as well as to the old preconscious instinct. This new relationship between the postconscious mind and the self's true supraconsciousness, see Figure 10 :

Utter awareness of truth carries absolute responsibility to abide by that truth. The self which puts itself in the position of supraconsciousness voluntarily undertakes that responsibility, but it has the disadvantage of still existing in a false reality. So though it wishes to shoulder that responsibility in all things, whilst that self's mind exists in automatic reality it is obliged, for the sake of survival, to conform superficially to that reality. Individuals who are supraconscious cannot deny truth and are bound to work towards an ideal reality. Until that ideal is realised and whilst it is being prepared for, such individuals can only accept and carry that responsibility in their minds. If compelled to be false in the here and now they are aware of being, for the present, inescapably so. But when supraconsciousness has prevailed and the ideal society exists, there shall be no necessity to be false. The ideal shall then be responsibly and unswervingly maintained because supraconscious minds can not conceivably betray it, and practical reality shall then fully reflect both our truth and our responsible will.

There are many pressures opposed to the ideal, of course, chief of which is the conviction that the ideal could not work - it would break down because of the innate faults and crude appetites of human beings. But those faults and appetites derive from instinct and necessarily belong in an automatic reality founded on instinct. It is important to realise that just as animals are interlocked with their compulsive instinct for survival, supraconscious humanity would be inseparable from truth, and that would work for their survival which, I repeat, the Machine threatens. Another obstacle is inertia, the sheer disinclination to make the great effort undoubtedly required, which can be overcome only by the awakening of a contrary desire and determination. Yet another great pressure opposed to the ideal comes from the fact that our present satisfactions are widely adapted to Machine delights. It seems that individuals can visualise reality changing but not themselves. So automatic progress is usually welcomed because it offers prospect of yet more similar delights, whilst moral reforms are rejected because they seem to represent self-sacrifice. The answer to this is to raise the level of awareness of other and better satisfactions which the ideal would bring.

Supraconsciousness has to be self-taught because being human today is subject to a natural priority of attention given to the relationship between instinct or gut-feeling and actual reality. The postconscious speaks to our conscious selves from the other side, in another way relating to an ideal reality which does not yet exist. It is like a new music which our ears are not attuned to, so that we do not understand it, and which we resist because it is unfamiliar. Intellation and supraconsciousness is listening to this music and absorbing the new understanding it brings.

Consider again the position of the soldier, priest, economist or terrorist, mentioned in Chapter 8. Their duties were given to them by the Machine and their motivation comes from humanity's automatically evolved history. As a result of them becoming supraconscious, true morality would be their motivation. The soldier could no longer believe in his profession; the priest must become a radical reformer; the economist must put morality before market forces; and the terrorist must turn away from violence, realising that only good means can be justified by good ends and that local inhumanities will never be eradicated until our whole reality is humantrue.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Jury is still being assembled...

Imagine if you will: Your subconscious as a 12 person jury.

Each jury member responsible for certain aspects of your psyche...strengths and fears, doubts and knowings, happiness and sadness, the list of what they can be responsible is varied but I imagine you get the idea.

These jury members affect your daily life even more than you can think. They tell you the verdict of every action that comes into your perception, that shape your life and your experience around their conclusions of facts and fiction...

Most of the time we sit there and let them pass their judgment onto us, we listen to them. They have been there for years. They are who we are...sometimes they deliberate and come up with great answers, sometimes they find you guilty, or perhaps the insanity plea flies with them at times...or even they just say your inadequate at that.

These jury members come from all over, some are socially engineered, some are inherited, some just appeared. Some come from pain and hurt and that's all they know and all that they will know.

Where am I going with this you ask? Well then.

The glorious part is the jury members can always be replaced if they have been compromised, if they have shown that they are not there for the best interest of the whole (You!). If they are prejudiced in any way against what you want in your life, sometimes you just have to FIRE THEM, let them go, tell them they are NOT allowed to be part of your jury. That you are only looking for jury members that will do whats best for the whole (YOU!). Replace those jury members, remove the ones that create the fear, the doubt, the inadequacy, the remorse, the hate, the anger, the sadness; for they do not serve you, they take your power and your energy and use it against you. They do not care about the damage they do to you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fear God...Your just fearing yourself.

In Continuation of the Fear theme...

First let me by state I respect everyone and their views, and I'm not trying to change your minds, however:

You should not fear 'God' for you are just fearing what is inside you. When you fear what is inside you cannot grow to your full potential.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Even in this Bible, written by man, and compiled 600 years after Christ it tells you this.

Read the first few chapters of the Bible, they talk about 3 different people.

The Lord
and the Lord God

I've read these pages several times, read them aloud to other people and had friends read them.

The break it into 3 different people right off and the everyone from a 11 Year old to a grown up can tell by the way its written, its 3 different people being referenced.


Romans 12:4 ESV

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function,

We are all ONE, We are all GOD, is what I am getting to here...But God is not this tertiary being, and we are just essences of him

Imagine if you will, Remove EVERYTHING in EXISTENCE except your body and everything within.

You would be all powerful at this time. All power in the known universe you control. That would be great...except you'd get pretty lonely, pretty bored, pretty fast.

From there go to a cellular level They are still you, but yet that cell in your hand really has no direct connection to that cell in your foot, but something they share together that if they are 'Aware' of can bind them and show them they are not alone. Your blood carries oxygen and nutrition to all cells, your blood is the life source to your entire body. The blood that is in your cells is a 'divine' connection for them.

Now we are just cells of God, 6+ billion strong on this where near the amount of Cells in one human body...

1 Corinthians 12:27 ESV

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

Ephesians 2:14-19
 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

Jesus came here to show us that we were God, not that we should Worship him or a man in the sky. We need to worship the God in ALL of US since we are all the same person and no man should tear us away from all being God in One.

This is where religion stepped in and placed a few of their own

Romans 13:1-14
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. ...

They KNEW, they KNEW that if they did not compile this 'Bible' Correctly control over the masses which they have been trying for thousands of years PRIOR to Christ would be lost as then people would realise their equality and realise they are all the same and realise they are all ONE.

Matthew 6:1-34 ESV

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. ...

I know my bible, I spent much time reading it, and I ALSO know how the Churches, religions, zealots, idiots (not calling anyone here an idiot), GOVERNMENTS, and world leaders can use ANY VERSE to subvert control over the masses and influence popular opinion.

Take it as you well. For I Do believe that I am God, and that You Are God and Together in true unison and knowledge of this we are the Creator, mere fractions of him, but that is How when thousands of us get together in one purpose we can create (or destroy) much. But Destruction is not our path, and many take different roads to the same path. But many get stuck on this road and they are reading a map, its a map within many pages and they cannot figure out why they are stuck...They close the book set it down and think and listen to God, who is in them...for they are God themselves.

On this book the are the words 'Holy Bible'

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fear and Anger...The Lies in the bible.

Don't get me wrong...there is a lot of good sense in the bible when its used correctly. And you are right God is Truth... and Love, and Unity.

The religions of our world have taught us that we are to seek God outside of our own selves, that God is a separate entity in himself.

For I am God, for you are God. We are all parts of God and when we connect to him through absolute truth and alignment of our Soul we are all God, God gives us energy, energy to heal, energy to protect, energy to Love. Man is fallible, man wrote the bible, to better his ends. To create something to worship, god is not about worship at all. No matter how we have been taught through religion. I am not trying to sway you, all I am is saying is to seek absolute truth and you will see that religion has corrupted the bible. If you have questions I will always answer.

Jesus came to teach us a way of life...if we had truly Listened to Jesus' words and taking the true meaning, took his teaching to true heart, our society would be one of Love and Unity. Not this fear and anger based society we have all been brought up in. Jesus' was here as a teacher to show ALL Of us that We were all part of God, that each one of us IS God. I do not like using the actual term God since it has so many different meanings to everyone, but God did Create EVERYTHING, i prefer to call him The Creator, he is the energy that is in us all, and when we feel the true energy of The Creator throughout us we can do as Jesus did...unfortunately through 2000 years of Religious control, we were taught that we must wait for Jesus...He will come like a thief in the night, that is true, and when he does your life will never be the same and the outrages you see in the world will cause you true pain as they cause me. Jesus' lesson was to show us what WE, each one of US COULD DO, fully and truthfully. He gave us the power...but religion stepped in and said NO. YOU MUST DO IT THIS WAY OR GO TO HELL. The only hell we are in, is the one that we have put ourselves in. We can obtain HEAVEN on Earth through Jesus' teachings, but alas religion has had its grip on human beings (I am no longer a Human Being, I am Just Being) but I feel it slowly slipping.

I feel the energy course through me every day, and that energy is giving to me by God, The Creator and through Truth and understanding I have done miraculous things for people. Its fine if you don't believe me, this is tough, and it will be, I do not ask you to judge me, or accept what I say as truth. I only offer this to you on account that the truth I know has given me far more Love for all mankind than any "Religious" Truth I have encountered.

For we all are the Son of God, The Creator, The Divine Spark, The Truth, Love and Unity.