Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do you want it?

As I stated before, to make a change you have to want it.

This change is huge for your mind, and even bigger for your body.

You need to be prepared for what might happen. Here is a list of symptoms I've personally seen when someones mind makes this switch over.

Nausea, vomitting, diarhea, migraines, back pain, leg aches, stomach cramps, etc...

Anything your body can do to fight a system wide change it will. Whatever it has in its arsenal to do this. Your body will fight you, you're changing the natural order of your system.

Here are some things to remember:

Chasing down the answers will make it take longer.
The more you learn the faster you will learn.
Asking the right question will provide the right answer.
Everything you need to know, you already know, you just don't know you know it yet (confused?).
Clean your house (not your actual house, your spiritual house). You will not be able to accomplish this without releasing all your burdens.
Confront your inner child, all those issues you have taken upon yourself will only slow you down in this journey.
Get out of Story Mode (We will talk about story mode in the next issue).
Take all your perceptions and remove them, they are too focused.

I know you all can achieve this, some faster than others. Once you can you will be able to accomplish anything. Nothing will be an obstacle to you.