Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fear and Anger...The Lies in the bible.

Don't get me wrong...there is a lot of good sense in the bible when its used correctly. And you are right God is Truth... and Love, and Unity.

The religions of our world have taught us that we are to seek God outside of our own selves, that God is a separate entity in himself.

For I am God, for you are God. We are all parts of God and when we connect to him through absolute truth and alignment of our Soul we are all God, God gives us energy, energy to heal, energy to protect, energy to Love. Man is fallible, man wrote the bible, to better his ends. To create something to worship, god is not about worship at all. No matter how we have been taught through religion. I am not trying to sway you, all I am is saying is to seek absolute truth and you will see that religion has corrupted the bible. If you have questions I will always answer.

Jesus came to teach us a way of life...if we had truly Listened to Jesus' words and taking the true meaning, took his teaching to true heart, our society would be one of Love and Unity. Not this fear and anger based society we have all been brought up in. Jesus' was here as a teacher to show ALL Of us that We were all part of God, that each one of us IS God. I do not like using the actual term God since it has so many different meanings to everyone, but God did Create EVERYTHING, i prefer to call him The Creator, he is the energy that is in us all, and when we feel the true energy of The Creator throughout us we can do as Jesus did...unfortunately through 2000 years of Religious control, we were taught that we must wait for Jesus...He will come like a thief in the night, that is true, and when he does your life will never be the same and the outrages you see in the world will cause you true pain as they cause me. Jesus' lesson was to show us what WE, each one of US COULD DO, fully and truthfully. He gave us the power...but religion stepped in and said NO. YOU MUST DO IT THIS WAY OR GO TO HELL. The only hell we are in, is the one that we have put ourselves in. We can obtain HEAVEN on Earth through Jesus' teachings, but alas religion has had its grip on human beings (I am no longer a Human Being, I am Just Being) but I feel it slowly slipping.

I feel the energy course through me every day, and that energy is giving to me by God, The Creator and through Truth and understanding I have done miraculous things for people. Its fine if you don't believe me, this is tough, and it will be, I do not ask you to judge me, or accept what I say as truth. I only offer this to you on account that the truth I know has given me far more Love for all mankind than any "Religious" Truth I have encountered.

For we all are the Son of God, The Creator, The Divine Spark, The Truth, Love and Unity.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cause and Effect

What are people also so worried about the effect of peoples actions, we need to start thinking about the causes and targetting those. The issues wouldn't be an issue if we looked more at the cause of the issues rather than the effect. Our whole world is like this, we are a reactive society, we don't fix something until its cause a problem, we should be focusing more on the root of the problem.

Now for example:

You take tylenol for a headache but never look into the cause of the headache, a little research would have told you your c1 and c2(these may not be accurate, just using them as an example) are pinching a nerve and one quick chiro adjustment could fix that, but no we just down more tylenol, eventually you go to the ER cause they are getting worse, he gives you a stronger pain med, which in turn helps your headache but begins to ruin your internal organs causing you other health issues. You finally notice this other health issues and go back to see a doctor who prescibes yet another medicine to help with that but has some other 'Side Effects' which cause more problems. You've now been 'Taking' 'medicine' for headaches, kidney problems when perhaps the cause should have been looked out long ago, but now you've damaged your body.

Wake up, be aware of your body, use your mind for more than just a door stop. We have this wonderful bodies and powerful minds that can create a wealth of curing abilities, if you Open your mind and raise your awareness and consciousness.

Creating laws based on effects is stupid. Create Laws based on a cause and that will change the world.